10 Reasons Why Is My Dog Barking At Night All of a Sudden

A dog that’s barking up all night is not just a disturbance to your sleep. They can also wake up the whole neighborhood! Soon, you’ll have angry people knocking on your door! So you ask, “why is my dog barking at night all of a sudden?!”

You love your dog to pieces, and they are normally quiet and well-behaved. But when night-time comes, they seem like a different version of your pet and start barking noisily. There are various reasons why it happens. Read on below to find out!

Reasons Why Your Dog Barks At Night

1. Bored

Is your dog staying home alone all day? It can be boring for a dog who loves being with people or other dogs.

If you have an active pup, make sure they get some great exercise before you leave them home all day long.

When dogs do not get enough physical stimulation, they behave abnormally. It could be the reason why your pet is barking at night. It is likely if your dog tends to bark more on nights when they didn’t get any exercise.

2. Hunger

Hunger is another possible reason why dogs bark at night.

It might not be getting enough or might not want to wait for too long before the next meal.

Ideally, dogs should have two meals a day – one in the morning and one in the evening.

Make sure that your dog is well-fed and content before bedtime to prevent hunger pangs. It will prevent night-time barking.

3. Noises

If your dog is barking at night, it might be because of an external noise they heard.

Unlike their human companions, dogs cannot easily shut out noise or distraction before bedtime. They have acute and sensitive hearing. So, even when you think your house is very quiet, your pet may still be disturbed by external noises and respond by barking.

You can help them settle down by creating a comfortable den in the home where it is away from distraction.

Your pet should feel safe in its own space for them to block out some of those external noises and doze off quietly.

4. Separation Anxiety

Did you know that excessive barking is one of the symptoms of separation anxiety?

If your dog’s doing it more often when you are not around, then the reason why they bark at night could be due to separation anxiety.

Before going to bed, spend some quality time with your pet, like cuddling and petting them.

It will allow your dog to feel secure knowing that you are still nearby even when they sleep.

Keep their routine unchanged as much as possible. Feed your pet at the same time of day, and walk them regularly.

Make sure that your dog’s not left home for long periods, especially before bedtime. It might also help get another pet or a human companion, so your dog isn’t alone all day and all night.

5. Your Dog Needs to Pee or Poop

A full bladder can cause your dog to bark in the evening. It is an involuntary response that causes discomfort and irritation.

Before you go to bed, take your dog out for a short potty break.

This way, they will not be forced to stay awake for long periods and disturb your sleep if they can no longer keep it in.

Dogs may also bark all night if they accidentally peed or pooped where they shouldn’t. If their barking woke you up, be careful as you might step on these piles.

6. Not Enough Exercise

Another possible reason why your dog is barking at night is they lack stimulation and exercise.

Lack of daily exercise can stress out a dog and cause them to become anxious and restless during the night.

Dogs need to play and frequently exercise so that they can be contented and relaxed throughout the day.

So, if your dog doesn’t get the chance to run and play in the day, they might resort to barking all night long.

7. Uncomfortable Environment

Dogs might bark at night because of an uncomfortable environment. They might have a stuffy bed, or it’s too cold in their spot.

If their bed is too old and dirty, then your dog might be feeling the discomfort that prevents them from resting properly.

Similarly, if you haven’t given them a place in your home where they can take refuge when they feel threatened or frightened by external noises, they might resort to barking at night as a way for them to feel safe.

8. Other Dogs

If you have another dog in the household and your pet is especially sensitive or insecure. It may cause your dog to start barking at night because of fear of other dogs.

It is also possible that your dog feels threatened by another dog due to its territory and may bark at the other dog’s scent all night long.

Before going to bed, put your dog in a confined space where it can settle down without distractions or disturbances.

Other times, consider crating them for some time before you retire for the night.

9. Diet Issues

Your dog might also experience abnormal barking patterns if they are having a diet issue.

Dietary changes can cause your dog’s body to react in unusual ways that may cause them lots of distress and discomfort.

It might include stomach problems, diarrhea, and upset stomachs that make them need to go outside frequently throughout the night.

Check with your vet about dietary changes or supplements you can offer your dog to alleviate these symptoms.

10. Pain

In some instances, continuous night barking in dogs are a sign of pain from arthritis, hip dysplasia, and other physical ailments that can make them extremely agitated and irritable at night.

Some dogs act out because they can only bark to get your attention.

Dogs in pain usually have a hard time sleeping and prefer to stay awake all night long.

So, if you suspect that your pet is suffering from arthritis or any other physical issue, talk to your vet about canine arthritis medication for dogs.

If you feel like your dog is in pain, be sure to take them to the vet for an assessment.

Understanding why your dog is barking at night can help you determine if there’s a serious problem that you need to address right away.

It will also guide you on what changes and adjustments that you need to make so that both of you can have a better sleeping experience throughout the night.

Things to Consider About Your Dog’s Night-time Barking

Before you can solve your dog’s barking problems at night, you should consider what is causing it. Here are some things to think about your dog’s unusual behavior.

When it Started

If your dog has never barked at night and suddenly started to do so, it may be a sign of some problem.

Dogs who have had this behavior since they were puppies are more likely to have something bothering them.

For instance, if your dog has been barking excessively despite getting adequate amounts of exercise, nutrition, and socialization. Then there’s a good chance that they’re struggling with anxiety.

What changes happened when the dog started barking?

If your dog has been calm and obedient for most of their life and they begin to bark at night, then it may be an indication that something is wrong.

A behavior change can be an early warning sign that your dog is suffering from some medical condition. Have them checked for renal failure, diabetes, or cancer.

Age of Your Dog

Dogs usually bark at night when they are puppies but stop once they grow up.

However, if you have older dogs who start to bark a lot during the night and it becomes a repetitive behavior, then it is time to visit your vet.

Older dogs are more prone to various ailments, and they may have developed serious medical conditions that you aren’t aware of.

Tips to Stop Dog from Barking All Night

There are plenty of ways to reduce your dog’s barking at night and make them sleep better.


Dogs who are very active during the day tire out easily at night and find it difficult to sleep.

So, if your dog keeps barking even after you took them for a long walk or workout session, then they might be suffering from some physical discomfort that’s affecting their ability to rest.

Crate Training

A crate can be effective in keeping your dog calm and quiet at night.

It offers them a comfortable space that they can retreat to when they need some time alone.

Dogs who are crate trained also feel safe and secure inside an enclosed area, making it easier for them to get some rest.

Right Diet

The food you give your dog will affect their behavior and ability to sleep.

You should feed your pet the right amount of food according to his age, size, and activity level so that he is not hungry at night.

It’s also important you give them a well-balanced diet with all the essential nutrients they require.

A poor diet can lead to obesity and other problems, which can, in turn, cause your dog to bark at night.

Don’t Encourage the Behavior

Never encourage or reward barking behavior from your pet.

It sends them the wrong message that it is okay for them to do it.

If you see that they are not making any progress, then there might be some underlying issue with how you are dealing with the problem.


At what age do dogs stop barking at night?

Most dogs grow out of barking excessively during the night when they reach a certain age.

However, some may continue to bark even when they are fully grown. It may be because something is bothering or keeping them awake.

Why do dogs bark at night even when nothing is going on?

It could be is a sign of separation anxiety. Dogs who don’t feel safe or comfortable when their owner is not around may make an unusual amount of noise. It is their way to get attention and beg them to come back home.

Should I ignore my dog’s barking? Or is there a better way to handle this?

You should do your best not to encourage the behavior and try to make them feel better.

Ignoring the problem will allow it to get worse over time, so make sure you take steps towards solving it as quickly as possible.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, every dog has a unique reason for barking during the night. Fortunately, there is hope in correcting this behavior. Knowing the common reasons why dogs bark at night all of a sudden helps find the most effective solution.

Exercise, diet, crate training, and not rewarding the barking behavior are some of the best ways to reduce your dog’s night-time barking. Try to understand your dog’s barking and address it as soon as possible.

We hope that this article helped you determine the reasons why your dog barks at night. If you have any questions or concerns about this topic, don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below!


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