10 Reasons Why Does My Dog Follow Me And Not My Husband

why does my dog follow me and not my husband Guide

Dogs are a man’s best friend. But why does my dog follow me and not my husband? You may notice that your dog loves hanging out with you more than the rest of the family. Well, it’s not uncommon for dogs to have a favorite human. There are various reasons why dogs are more attached …

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7 Reasons Why Do Puppies Shake and What To Do About It!

why dog shaking guide

Dogs and puppies shake or shiver for various reasons. Pet parents often notice this behavior with their new puppies. If you are new to puppy care, you might worry and ask why do puppies shake? Is it normal, or are they sick? Many dogs shake or tremble, even when it’s the surrounding is not cold. …

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10 Reasons Why Does My Dog Wink

A wink from a dog is a sign that they’re pleased with something. It could also mean that your dog is trying to communicate with you. But what if we don’t understand why does my dog wink? Dogs cannot communicate through words; thus, dogs and humans have developed ways to communicate with each other. While …

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10 Reasons Why Does My Dog Lick My Hands

Dog licking hand

Unlike humans, dogs cannot easily say what they want, so they show it in their actions. Licking their owners is a type of communication that owners have to decipher. Most pet owners find themselves continuously asking, why does my dog lick my hands? Dogs lick their human companions for many reasons. Dogs will lick their …

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9 Reasons Why Do Dogs Like Sticks

Spaniel Playing with stick

Sticks are magical instruments for dogs. You pick one during your walks, and your pet becomes all excited. You throw it away, and they retrieve it like crazy! When your pet has a stick, they will chew on it with gusto. Thus, most pet owners wonder, why do dogs like sticks so much? We all …

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